Oh. Wow! What the actual? Brentford have only gone and done it. Out of nowhere the badge is dead. Long live the badge. The club have announced today that the present version – which has been in use since 1994/95 – is to be updated. And by updated, we’re stepping back in time – albeit with a modern, modern twist. THIS is our new club badge.

I love it. Let’s get that out there immediately. The new crest (to give it the correct technical term) is almost a dead ringer for the version used back in the early 70s.That didn’t last long once it was realised that the club has used 1888 instead of 1889 as the year of our formation. Yet now it is back, but with a cleaner sharper finish.

I’ve always been a ‘castle’ man. That was the one on the shirt as my love affair with the Bees progressed from a first game at the end of the 70s through the excitement of the 80s and early 90s. The FRT final. Terry Evans. Gary Blissett. Promotion at Peterborough. The castle was there through it all (a one season flirtation with ‘the funky bee’ aside), only to eventually be replaced by Andrew Henning’s season ticket winning design. As ever, ignore those spurious claims from TV astrologer Russell Grant that the logo was his. It wasn’t

Yet, despite the present version’s popularity in some quarters, my own take has always been that it is just too busy and, like the ‘Spitfire’ font that once adorned the Braemar Road stand, maybe even just a little dated. With a stylised beehive, the coat of arms, a scroll, four quarters and several text blocks within the design there was just too much going on. Or, as one correspondent put it back in August, “like it’s been made using Microsoft Clip art.”

So there’s no pretence at tears from yours truly yet, at the same time, it has always been a worry that when it eventually came to replacing this we’d make a similar step. Indeed, the club almost changed on the occasion of our 125th anniversary. A garish, faux-arsenal, celebratory graphic based on our first ever badge was revealed. Whilst the centrepiece was wonderful, the overall look was horrific. Thankfully, this one was quietly parked and has rarely been mentioned since.

Which brings us right up to date and Brentford looking back to look forward. The design is smart and stylish but with a retro feel. It looks wonderful from the stills – how will it look on next year’s shirt? Kitman Bob, I’m looking at you. Any more clues…?

What do supporters think? Will we see Brexit and Trump ‘Not my badge’ style protests? Or will supporters embrace the new creation? Could it even be deemed our best ever?

For me, it isn’t the Castle (what is?) but it isn’t the cluttered clipart. We’ve bypassed the twee shieldery of the ‘125th’ whilst avoiding the bizarre cuteness of the Funky Bee. Instead we have a modern classic with roots in the past.

“This is not revolution, it’s part of the Club’s evolution” says the update on the club website. Whatever the logic, I like it. A lot. Great job Brentford FC.

Read more from Nick Bruzon in the Brentford Programme and The Last Word.