Dan Webster believes if there was one positive to be taken from the Youth Team’s disappointing 0-0 draw at home to Crystal Palace it would be his side’s clean sheet.

The Bees struggled to create any chances of note in the game save for Courtney Senior’s first-half header.

The visitors took control of the game in the second-half and in the end Brentford were indebted to Joe Taylor for making a trio of fine saves to secure the points.

Speaking to Bees Player after the game Dan said he felt on the balance of play Crystal Palace were perhaps worth the three points.

The 16-year-old couldn’t explain why The Bees had put in such a poor performance but was pleased with the clean sheet at least.

“I wouldn’t say it was a fair result,” said Dan.

“To be fair to Crystal Palace I thought they should have won the game.

“I don’t think we really had any attempts to score apart from Courtney Senior’s chance in the first-half.

“I think Palace deserved to win that game.

“In the final third we didn’t have enough quality to be honest.

“We got in there a few times but the ball kept just coming straight back.

“That could have been down to the strikers, the way the ball was passed into them or the pitch.

“I thought Palace played well.

“They pressed us and they played us at our own game as well.

“I thought they did well and perhaps we weren’t as good as them today.

“The pitch and the wind today could have been a factor why we didn’t go on and win the game today.

“If there was one positive we could take away from the game it would be the clean sheet.

“We didn’t concede even though they had a few clear cut chances and we can take that away as a positive.”

Tuesday’s game was Dan’s first start since the FA Youth Cup Second Round victory over Dulwich Hamlet in November, a game in which Dan suffered a dislocated shoulder.

Dan admits there are still concerns over his shoulder as a repeat dislocation is always possible so soon after returning.

The defender praised the work of the medical department at Jersey Road and said he was delighted to be in competitive match action.

“I have been out of the squad for quite a while now,” said Dan.

“I came back in today and I am happy with the clean sheet.

“This was my first major injury.

“Obviously it was a physical injury but it was a mental one as well.

“I was coming back not wanting to hurt it again as there was an opportunity for it to pop out again.

“I have just got to get on with it.

“Four months was a long time to be out.

“I had to do a lot of rehab work in the gym but I am back playing now which is the main thing.

“The medical department here are fantastic and they helped me through it massively.”

Dan admits that the timing of the injury was doubly frustrating as he had established himself as one of the first choice centre-backs in the Youth Team this season.

With his return from injury coinciding with the return of Lionel Stone and Audrius Laucys from their injuries Dan believes there will be plenty of healthy competition in the closing weeks of the season.

Dan is hopeful that this competition will help him return to his best form by the end of the season but also prepare him for his crucial second year as a scholar next campaign.

“There is a lot of competition in the centre-back positions but I just have to be the best,” said Dan.

“There will be even more competition next year as there are more defenders.

“I just have to carry on and this year make sure that I am the best out of us four and then when the new guys come in next year to make sure I am the best out of everyone again.

“Competition is a great thing to have it gets the most out of everyone in the squad.

“I thought I started off the season very well.

“Each game I was getting better and better but then I had the injury and went four months without playing.

“I am starting to work back now and hopefully I can work back to where I was at the beginning.

“I think I am setting myself up for next season in these last few games.

“Hopefully I can start next season the way I started and am ending this one.

“There will be pressure next year but I just have to keep going and try to get that contract by doing well in training and matches.”

Bees Player subscribers can listen to the interview here.