Rico Henry and Josh Dasilva discussed injury updates, west London derbies and the importance of the Brentford supporters in the latest edition of Pre-Match Pint.

Previewing Saturday's derby clash with Fulham at Gtech Community Stadium, the duo - who are both out with knee injuries - detailed how their recovery is going, as well as why their close bond has made rehabilitation that much easier.

Dasilva explained: "It’s weird that me and probably my closest friend at the club have the same injury.

"It’s been good in that sense. I’ve gone to him for a few pointers but, obviously, everyone’s journey is different, everyone’s knees react differently to different things.

"I’m seeing the progression so I can’t complain, I’m just putting my head down and cracking on."

He added: "He was probably the third person I called [about the injury]. I called my brother and my sister, and then I spoke to Rico.

"When I’m going through stuff, obviously I’ll go to him and we talk a lot - but, now, half of our conversations are about knees!

"We see each other in the gym and in the physio room every day, so it’s grown us closer. He’s helped me a lot."

Henry said: "For me, it’s been a bit of a slow one, but it’s picking up in the gym and stuff, so I’m feeling good.

"I should be back on the grass in a couple of weeks."

Speaking ahead of Saturday's west London derby with Fulham, Henry and Dasilva reflected on the Bees' 3-0 win over their rivals earlier this season and highlighted how important the Brentford supporters will be at the Gtech this weekend.

Dasilva explained: "When you play home and away, there’s a psychological difference because you have the fans and the majority of the people there rooting for you.

"The fans play a big part and a bigger part than they think, especially with things like the momentum in games that might swing.

"When it comes to derbies, there’s history behind it. We know how many people have supported Brentford for a long time. It’s bigger than us players, because players come and go, but the fans will stay. We know how much it means.

"And that’s why we play football: to entertain fans and to give the fans a good time."