And on the sixth day they rested (to misquote a well-known line from the great book). Come Sunday, the day after the match and associated travelling, today was the chance for both players and staff to switch off and do whatever they so wished.

For some, it was a round of golf or hitting a few balls on the driving range, whilst others went for a cycle ride round the beautiful Black Forest countryside. Just the opportunity to laze proved popular for some whilst a number of foolhardy staff members went out in “mad dogs of Englishmen” style, albeit it wasn’t midday nor were they all English.

Whatever their individual choices proved to be, they knew they had a barbeque to look forward to in the evening, although they would have to pay a price for it. The price being a number of players would have to sing for their supper. Whilst it was thought there may be a different challenge for those who haven’t sung since last July (at the St George’s Park pre-season camp), the general consensus from the players was that they themselves had had to endure it so why should others get away with it!

First, a quick report on the staff “mad dogs of Englishmen” Beach Volleyball Match. Why anyone would want to do something so strenuous midst the afternoon heat is beyond me. However, the action was the 3 Fs: fast, furious and most of all fun.

So, to the big night. It was decided that of the nine players who would have to sing for their supper, three would be randomly selected for a performance yesterday night, three will sing this evening and the final three will entertain us on the eve of our match against Wolfsburg this coming weekend.

The three up for applause or ridicule this evening were Tristan Crama, Zanka and Yoane Wissa.

Tristan sang a French song entitled “Djadja” by Aya Nakamura, which in truth I had surprisingly never heard before, but some of the lads joined in, so well done to Tristan. Then it was Zanka’s chance to impress with a number entitled “Burn” which I believe was co-written and sung by R&B singer Usher. Another thank you, this time to one of the Media team Chris Deacon, for helping me identify each song. Again, a number of the players joined in.

Finally, it was Wissa’s turn and he surprisingly turned down the opportunity of performing along to “Free from Desire”. Instead, he chose “Ramanez la coupe a la maison” by Vegedream. It translates to “bringing the cup home” and was sung after France won the World Cup some 4 years ago this very weekend. So, the final result tonight was France 2 USA 1.

The standard overall was pretty good this evening, and one can only hope the same can be said after tomorrow’s three performers have finished their set.